At LifeSpring Home Nutrition, we aim to address the global healthcare crisis by providing healthy, Medically Tailored Meals (MTM) with convenient home delivery at affordable prices.
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HIPAA Compliance
Medical records contain a lot of identifying and sensitive information. Keeping those records safe and secure is an essential part of protecting individuals. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), “The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) is a federal law that required the creation of national standards to protect sensitive patient health information from being disclosed without the patient’s consent or knowledge.” LifeSpring Home Nutrition complies with HIPAA requirements. All personal health information (PHI) relevant to client care and meal planning, including dietary requirements and medical conditions, are kept confidential and secure to ensure HIPAA compliance.
What Is HIPAA Compliance?
HIPAA compliance involves following the guidelines set down by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act. Companies remain compliant by creating policies and procedures to secure client records and ensure clients approve disclosures. Clients should always know who has access to their data and how it is used.
Remaining HIPAA compliant includes doing the following:
Receiving client authorization for any medical information shared with registered dieticians (RDs) and other medical professionals
Ensuring all client data is secure and only accessible to authorized individuals
Keeping client identifying information off meal packaging
According to the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), “Individuals, organizations, and agencies that meet the definition of a covered entity under HIPAA must comply with the Rules’ requirements to protect the privacy and security of health information and must provide individuals with certain rights with respect to their health information.” LifeSpring Home Nutrition protects client rights and their privacy by ensuring all data is secure.
Client records are essential for medically tailored meals (MTMs) and other special dietary services. Without that data, dieticians may not have all the relevant information they need to create tailored meals. Each client must provide access to their records. Only authorized individuals, including RDs, can access medical information provided by individuals receiving weekly meal deliveries.
How Does HIPAA Compliance Protect Individuals and Communities?
HIPAA compliance protects people’s health information and limits when, how, and where personal information is shared with third parties. Most clients’ healthcare information is protected under HIPAA and cannot be disclosed without the client’s verbal or written consent.
According to HHS, the “HIPAA Privacy Rule establishes national standards to protect individuals’ medical records and other individually identifiable health information (collectively defined as ‘protected health information’) and applies to health plans, health care clearinghouses, and those health care providers that conduct certain health care transactions electronically.” LifeSpring Home Nutrition provides MTMs and collaborates with healthcare providers to better serve clients. LifeSpring Home Nutrition must follow the HIPAA Privacy Rule as part of the healthcare sector.
How Does LifeSpring Home Nutrition Practice HIPAA Compliance?
HIPAA compliance ensures client medical information remains secure and only accessible to authorized individuals. LifeSpring Home Nutrition takes client safety and security very seriously. Each department only has access to client information relevant to their specific tasks. All health information stored or transmitted electronically is encrypted to prevent unauthorized access and ensure client confidentiality.
Packages Have No Client Identifying Information
Meal packages do not have client names or addresses on the label. By removing any reference to the client’s identity, LifeSpring Home Nutrition reduces the risk of fraud and theft. People not home when their meals are delivered do not have to worry about neighbors or strangers finding out they receive special healthcare services. Avoiding client names and addresses on labels provides peace of mind and ensures each delivery remains HIPAA compliant.
Storing Health Information Securely
All health information is stored securely to reduce the risk of unauthorized access. Some medical records may need to be forwarded or shared between medical professionals and RDs. LifeSpring Home Nutrition will always get client authorizations before sharing any sensitive client information with their care provider.
Ensuring Clients Have Easy Access to Their Personal Information
HIPAA compliance involves ensuring clients have easy access to their personal information. Ensuring clients can access their records encourages client collaboration and empowers people to take a more active role in their recovery. According to HHS, “For example, individuals with access to their health information are better able to monitor chronic conditions, adhere to treatment plans, find and fix errors in their health records, track progress in wellness or disease management programs, and directly contribute their information to research.” LifeSpring Home Nutrition keeps careful records for clients to use when communicating their needs to their care team.
Most clients sign up for meal delivery services through their healthcare or insurance provider, limiting the amount of sensitive information shared with LifeSpring Home Nutrition.
Who Has Access to Protected Client Information?
Not everyone needs access to complete client files. Protecting client data involves knowing when and how to securely update other members of the client’s care team while maintaining HIPAA compliance. Only people who need to know client information have access. Different departments have different levels of access in the system. For example, delivery drivers must know the drop-off address for the client. However, drivers do not need to see the client’s medical history and do not have access to that information. By restricting access to client data, LifeSpring Home Nutrition keeps client information secure and confidential.
HIPAA compliance protects the safety and privacy of individuals receiving medical care. LifeSpring Home Nutrition uses multiple security measures to ensure HIPAA compliance in everyday services. To learn more about how to receive meal delivery services, call us today at (800) 798-5767.
I cannot enough express my gratitude for your help and the fact that you respected my selective religious food choices, you delivered frozen clean simple disposable boxes of mostly ready to go meals , sealed, sanitary, cold in big insulated bags. Thank you truly !
I had a catastrophic event requiring a long hospital stay and at discharge my HMO offered Lifespring meal services. Initially, I was offered a puree diet and then as I improved a regular diet. Staff were kind, patient, and their supervisor, Christina was extremely accommodating. This is an amazing company who goes the extra mile to ensure patients receive their meals promptly. The food is delicious with a variety of meals. I would highly recommend Lifespring.
I've been receiving Lifespring meals for the past several years. I find them to be fresh, convenient, and delicious! The meals are both balanced and nutritious, and, because they are prepared fresh, and then flash frozen; all one needs is a microwave! Delivery is prompt and courteous, and if ever you want to make a change, the friendly office staff is available by phone. Thank you, Lifespring! 🤗😘
Christina totally went above and beyond for me with excellent service.Delivered right on time to my door by the friendly driver. The meals are delicious and have definitely lifted my spirits through these troubled times. Thank you Lifespring for great service and the delicious meals you provide.